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/LNI - Local Node Information

The local node information packet is used to convey essential information about the node on either end of a TCP stream connection.


The /LNI packet should be sent to a TCP neighbour upon connection, and at regular intervals following that if the information within it has changed. A minimum update time of one minute is recommended.


Upon receiving a /LNI packet, the information within should be stored for subsequent use.


This packet has no payload at the current time.


The /LNI packet has many child packet types defined at the current time:

  • /LNI/NA - Node Address
  • /LNI/GU - GUID
  • /LNI/V - Vendor Code
  • /LNI/LS - Library Statistics
  • /LNI/HS - Hub Status

/LNI/NA - Node Address

The /LNI/NA child packet specifies the node or network address of the sending node.


This child is required.


The physical network address of the sending node. See datatypes for more information.


This packet has no known children at the current time.


The /LNI/GU child packet specifies the globally unique identifier of the sending node.


This child is required.


The 16 byte globally unique node identifier of the sending node.


This packet has no known children at the current time.

/LNI/V - Vendor Code

The /LNI/V child packet specifies the vendor code of the software operating the sending node.


This child is optional.


A four byte vendor code.


This packet has no known children at the current time.

/LNI/LS - Library Statistics

The /LNI/LS packet provides information about the content library of the sending node.


This child is optional.


Two 32-bit integers representing the number of files in the local library, and the total KB in the local library respectively. If the sending node is a hub these statistics are combined with the known statistics from all connected leaves. The payload may grow beyond 8 bytes in the future.


This packet has no known children at the current time.

/LNI/HS - Hub Status

The /LNI/HS packet is included only if the sending node is a hub, and contains the status of the hub.


This child packet should only be sent by hub nodes. Leaf nodes should not transmit it, and if it is received from a leaf node, it should be ignored.


Two 16-bit integers representing the current leaf count and the maximum leaf count respectively. This packet may grow beyond 4 bytes in the future.


This packet has no known children at the current time.